IWBWWFI is a podcast that discusses many different topics. We're not afraid of hard topics or a little humor. Our hearts are about 'small town' local and with that, it's election time in Van Texas! We're excited to get into the topics and candidates. Be watching for more posts on Facebook and an updated calendar.
Gavin, who may show up in cashmere pajamas, is our youngest host and our only true 'built in TX' host. Don't let Gavin's age fool you. He's likely the sharpest speaker we have and hands down the best dressed for each show. Gavin isn't afraid to discuss anything and provides a very interesting perspective to most of our topics.
Ryan is a Canadian transplant that is just trying to survive it. Having been on both sides of the local government fence, Ryan brings an alternate view to most local topics. He might also bring a little controversy from time to time, but that's part of it. He didn't get that thick skin by not asking questions.
Nettie, who hails from S California, is our leader, coach, fan club president, nurse and even producer for this show. We have been known to refer to her as the "Oracle", for reasons you will fully understand in our podcast segments. Nettie is taking a sabatical right now, but will hopefully be back soon!
Have a topic you want to discuss? Click the message link and let us know! There isn't much of anything we won't discuss.